for W3c validation
I attended Seattle Lunch 2.0 (the Seattle version of Lunch 2.0) today down at Wetpaint’s offices in Pioneer Square, which is a very cool space. The event was organized by Josh Maher and I applaud him for putting together a fantastic event to bring together the Seattle tech industry. Trevor from Google, who works on Google Webmasters, and Rand from SEOmoz were guest speakers and were very informative. One thing that hit me like a rock in the head — the importance of widgets to SEO (anyone have any sweet idea for Zillow widgets??).
David and Daryn from EyeJot were in attendance and helped sponsor the event. Additionally, ZenZui was also a sponsor and deserves a link.
I’ve included a couple pictures that Josh took from the event below:
Trevor sitting down
My employer, Zillow, will be hosting the next lunch 2.0 event in Seattle sometime in July. We’re shooting for the week of July 9th sometime, but nothing is final yet. Hope to see you there!
Once again, a HUGE THANKS must go to Josh Maher for organizing the event!
Update: More details, pictures, and videos at Josh’s blog.