for W3c validation
Drew Meyers is the co-founder of Horizon, a mobile private hospitality exchange platform. In his free time, Drew enjoys reading, spending time with passionate people, and is extremely passionate about giving back to others. His philanthropic focus is microfinance and is the co-founder of, a multi- author blog devoted to exploring the world of microfinance.
Drew graduated from the University of Washington in June of 2005 with a Business Administration degree. He is a proud member of Sigma Phi Epsilon, and was on the executive team during WaBeta Chapter’s migration to the Balanced Man Program in 2004. During Spring quarter prior to graduation, he interned with Tim Reha at Venture All Stars (now NewMediaSynergy), which served as a jump-start into the small business environment. Following a two month trip to Europe, he landed an internship at in September of 2005. He worked there through January 2010, managing Zillow’s API program and various online partnerships. Over the course of that time, he worked with Zillow’s PR team and served as a spokesperson for the company in various fashions via social media. A social media marketing enthusiast, he founded the Carnival of Real Estate and is the founder and managing editor of Geek Estate Blog, a multi-author blog focused on real estate technology for real estate professionals. He has spoken on panels at Inman’s Real Estate Connect conferences and has led sessions on Social Media Marketing and Search Engine Optimization at numerous Real Estate BarCamps across the country.
Following his tenure at Zillow, he spent 2010 traveling abroad including a trip to Asia, a summer in Greece, and a month in both Kenya and Ghana. From November 2010 to December 2011, Drew served as the Director of Marketing for Virtual Results. 2011 until 2014 has been spent traveling, consulting, and working on his travel startups Oh Hey World and Horizon.
Super Short Version:
From Seattle. Techie. Entrepreneur. Microfinance advocate. Travel addict. Fan of Red Hot Chili Peppers and Kiva. Co-Founder – Horizon.