Published Date: November 8, 2007

Just a heads up that I’m taking a vacation — from blogging, from work, from the United States — for the next 3 weeks. I’m heading to the caribbean to Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic to enjoy some beach time and some relaxation — both of which are long overdue.

Those who have been reading this blog probably know I’ve become pretty passionate about microfinance. I’m going to get some 1st hand exposure to microfinance in the DR (where my best friend from high school friend is working right now), which is something I’m really looking forward to.

I might get to a computer for long enough to post a couple pictures, but I’m not promising anything — sitting in front of a computer is NOT on my list of desired activities (I do enough of that as it is).

So, if you e-mail, call, or facebook me — don’t expect a response til sometime in December 🙂